Friday, September 27, 2013

George Zimmerman - Three Faces

The untouched face presents left-eye syndrome. Left brow is arched. Muscles activated lhs only. LH eye slighty outwardly focussed. Lh side cranium squat and broad. Lh nostril broader and flatter. LH ear set lower. More muscle activation below bottom lip left side extension. Lh side mouth shorter from centre to corner.
I see two distinct personalities. The right side is a softer sensitive presentation. The left side is menacing and aggressive.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

WHITE WIDOW - Samantha Lewthwaite

Samantha Lewthwaite
By means of splitting the face down the centreline and then creating TWO faces from either half, we can see the considerable difference and aberrations present. The left eye is smaller, has clockwise rotation and is flat in appearance. The mouth extension does not reach the centreline of pupil. The left side is larger and more squat. The left side is expressionless. The left side appears more masculine than the right side. The lhs eyebrow is less developed and lower set than right side. TRUTH EXTRACTION Contd.  ISBN 9780620524131