Wednesday, June 13, 2012

David Williams: Left Eye Syndrome. Left Eye & brow set lower than rhs. rh eye set at downward trailing angle. LH eye unfocussed outwardly. left side mouth short, downturned edge. No muscles around eyes are active. Expressionless face. Skewed mouth area expression=leaking emotion. David Williams allegedly tried to hire a policeman to kill his wife for R12,000. He is currently being tried for conspiracy to commit murder. Ironically, he has in the meantime sued his wife for R10,000 p/mth maintenance as they were married in COP and she is the only breadwinner.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Shamrita Singh

Shamrita Singh Basic Analysis Left side face is more engaged and focussed than rhs. Left brow presents a peaked arch. Rhs brow presents a curved arch. The peaked arch represents the intellectual and emotionally dominant side The left eye is scrutinising. The right brow is a curved arch, representing the soft side of this persons nature. Both ‘brows up’ + eye openings up (smiling) suggests well balanced, good natured, with balance between emotion and emotional intellect. The left eye presents a wary expression. This person is aware of situations. She is approachable, friendly, but circumspect, wary. The full lower lip trailing to narrow with long narrowed section suggests critical and analytical. There is no permanent furrow between brows, suggesting that the person is open and receptive as opposed to closed, unreceptive, brooding. (Persons with perm furrow and lowered, intense brows suggest complicated personality, closed, hidden agendas. Also associated with deception.) The LH face is the dominant side. More intensely focussed. Mouth extensions are equal in length. Balanced outlook. Left upper lip muscle tensed. Subject may smirk on lhs from time to time. Left side to right side face present markedly different expressions – both sides reflecting emotional intelligence. Centre of top lip is peaked, slightly tensed, suggesting a degree of playfulness of character. This subject can be intense – emotionally and intellectually but with the easy ability to express joy and humour. The chin is extended slightly outwards, displaying confidence, but not overtly. The overall expression is one of openness, without concealment of emotion . The smile is contained, not gushing, but suggests a good measure of genuine interest in others. The expression suggests capability of intense scrutiny. Not to be taken lightly by others. Open minded. Honest. Loving and caring. Trustworthy while not being immediately trusting of others.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Themba Mahlangu Baby Rapist Murderer: Themba Mahlangu: Pronounced Left Eye Syndrome: LH eye disengaged and outwardly focussed. Larger gap between lid and brow. LH mouth in menace grimace. Left side cheek muscles tensed enhancing menace. RH face is impassive. Psychotic killer. Never trust and never confront a person that looks like this.