Friday, September 27, 2013

George Zimmerman - Three Faces

The untouched face presents left-eye syndrome. Left brow is arched. Muscles activated lhs only. LH eye slighty outwardly focussed. Lh side cranium squat and broad. Lh nostril broader and flatter. LH ear set lower. More muscle activation below bottom lip left side extension. Lh side mouth shorter from centre to corner.
I see two distinct personalities. The right side is a softer sensitive presentation. The left side is menacing and aggressive.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

WHITE WIDOW - Samantha Lewthwaite

Samantha Lewthwaite
By means of splitting the face down the centreline and then creating TWO faces from either half, we can see the considerable difference and aberrations present. The left eye is smaller, has clockwise rotation and is flat in appearance. The mouth extension does not reach the centreline of pupil. The left side is larger and more squat. The left side is expressionless. The left side appears more masculine than the right side. The lhs eyebrow is less developed and lower set than right side. TRUTH EXTRACTION Contd.  ISBN 9780620524131

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Truth Verification Techniques & Character Profiling


1              While there are many high quality software systems available to detect and prevent cyber fraud,
                dealing face to face with the humans that perpetrate these frauds requires different skill sets.

2              Intelligent, but sadly sociopathic humans design and develop IT systems to perpetrate cyber frauds.
                Sometimes we never get to meet these individuals because they are shielded by layers of anonymity.
                They could be anywhere; in their own homes or in shopping malls where they can access (with or
                without authority) a decent wifi connection.

3              Over many years of fraud investigation I have found that there is no common physical appearance
                amongst cyber criminals. Those that I pursued and eventually met, ranged in looks and overall
                appearance between geeky and movie star. I found no immediately visible physical attributes.

4              However, during initial contacts and up until full confession stage they did present physiological cues
                that are quite common to all criminal sociopaths, fraudsters, con artists and liars.
                i               No one person will present one set of physiological cues ( telltale signs caused by
                                psychological imbalance which manifest in physiological signs). There are many telltale cues,
                                which present in sets’ and a trained fraud investigator will observe the subject (suspect) for
                                the cues.
                ii              No one cue is regarded as an indicator of deceptive behaviour. The investigator will take
                                note of                 cues that repeatedly manifest in response to sensitive questions and he will look for
                                other confirmatory cues.

4.1          For instance, when presented with a sensitive issue or question, the subject might display one or
                more of a series of micro-facial expressions.

4.2          The micro-facial expressions displayed by a deceptive subject are more often than not out of synch
                with other facial expressions.
                i               A genuine (honest) denial would usually be accompanied with ‘eyebrows down’ frown.             
                ii               An untruthful denial will often involve ‘eyebrows up’ movement.

4.3          The trained investigator looks for:
                i               Tension and involuntary muscle tics occurring around the eye area.
                ii              Is the subject smile supported by smiling eyes?
                iii             Do they crinkle in the corners?
                iv             Is subject presenting a ‘Pan American’ smile ?
                v              A Pan American smile was so named by the false smiles of air hostesses.
                vi             Is the subject’s mouth skewed while answering? A skewed mouth suggests skewed emotions
                                brought about by the act of lying.
                vii            Is the subject smiling on one side of mouth only?
                viii           A high stress smile is usually on rhs only, while the other side of mouth is perhaps stationary
                                or semi                 activated.

5              Investigators will also observe the subjects eye movements during responses and explanations.
                More movement to right side (median and upper) is regarded as possible deceptive behaviour, but
                when coupled with two other cues simultaneously, the ‘set’ of cues suggests a high probability of
                deceptive behaviour from the subject.

6              It is my experience that deceptive subjects of high intelligence usually talk too much. They tend to
                respond beyond the parameters of a question, likely in the belief that an excess of verbal
                information will satisfy the investigator.

7              An excess of verbal responses from the subject is also a subconscious stratagem to ‘stop the
                sensitive questions’ emanating from the investigator AND to buy time. Time is required to delve into
                one’s imagination and invent some fiction to import into the story.

8              No person tells a totally false story.
                i               Huge chunks of their stories will be true.
                ii              The parts that they don’t want to tell you will be edited out intentionally.
                iii             But the story needs to flow, so the deceptive subject  edits his story and imports fabrications                    to help make the story flow. This is where Statement Analysis skills come into play.

9              An investigator trained to use SCAN (Statement Content Analysis) will detect sensitive parts of the
                subject’s story. Sensitivity in the story reflects sensitivity in real life, i.e.  at the time of the incidents
                or activities being recalled. The investigator will then explore those sensitive areas in order to
                uncover the truth.

10           When a subject is under the self-imposed stress of lying;
                i               His use of language changes, often quite extraordinarily.
                ii              Investigators look for (a)   pronoun abuse and
                                                                           (b)   change of use in adjectives and adverbs.

11           Changes in language are not coincidental. They are meaningful.  By combination of careful analysis
                and exploration, the changes in language can be associated with actual events that the subject
                edited out of his story.

12           To understand and accept that passive interrogation techniques such as SCAN and Kinesics are
                invaluable investigation tools, the investigator must have belief in the subject. In a nutshell, this
                means the belief that all people are born honest and all people have an innate desire to tell the

13           Having an innate desire to tell the truth does not mean that people are literally bursting to confess.
                It means that an investigator has to:
                i               Invest time in the subject.
                ii              Pose broad questions to the subject.
                iii             Let the subject do a lot of talking. A lot of talking (information) provides a huge database to

14           There will be a positive drive in the subject  (any amount of + drive in excess of 0%) to tell the truth.
                The investigator has to massage that % of positive drive to slowly increase it to a point where the
                subject will start to confess by making small admissions.

15           In the USA, open statistics show us that some 98% of convicted criminals have confessions in their
                case files. This statistic gives credence to the assertion that everyone wants to tell the truth.

16           Telling the truth, as in confessing, relieves a huge psychological burden off the guilty subject.
               While such confession may result in embarrassment, shame, banishment or even imprisonment,
                it does enable the truth teller to live more comfortably with himself, or herself.
                PS: Males and females are equally deceptive.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Jeremy Forrest


Maths teacher Jeremy Forrest eloped with UK teenager Megan Stammers in September 2012 was arrested in France.

Facial Analysis
Pronounced left eye syndrome. Left brow is set noticeably lower than the right side.
Left eye smaller, with small gap between top of eye and brow. Shape of brow varies significantly. Left eye has stare expression, whilst lefy eye appears vs inwardly unfocussed. When a vertical line is drawn through the face, the left side appears to be considerably smaller than right side. Left ear, cheek area, nostril, mouth and chin on left side are all noticeably smaller.
Summary: Unbalanced personality

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Even Fish Can Do It.....

Who said that fish have a three second memory ?
Forget that nonsense.

I used to scuba dive for many years off the Mozambique coastline.
One of  my dive buddies was a guy named Hilton Jessiman. A likeable rogue.
No, make that a loveable rogue.
Anyway, Hilton had the habit of feeding a giant potato bass nicknamed Bertie.
Bertie was huge. Possibly 2,5 metres in total length and I estimate his weight at around 125-150kgs.

Potato Bass, like most reef fish, are territorial. Bertie's territory was a reef aptly named Bass City.
there Bertie lived with his wife Frederica and various smaller bass.

Hilton used to arrive at the reef with a gang of divers and Bertie would single him out within seconds.
So: Fish can remember specific individuals from others that are almost identical in appearance. (Scuba divers look very much the same when geared up)

Hilton would swim over the reef looking for a Blue Trigger Fish to offer up to Bertie. Hilton had the knack of pulling a Trigger Fish out of it's den. Bertie would snatch it out of his hand, but without harming Hilton.

Hilton 'introduced' me to Bertie. This required the other divers to move back about ten metres and keep still. Hilton lay on the sandy bottom with me next to him. Bertie came in closer, studied me for a few minutes then lay on his side and permitted Hilton to rub him down. I had to hold Hiltons wrist and then slowly move my hand onto Bertie.

Thereafter, when I went to Bass City, without Hilton, Bertie would come in close and let me rub his flanks. I never fed him, yet he always came to greet me.

Next Point.
Whenever floating around a reef, the resident fish swim close to the diver (me) and sometimes would nibble at my hair or hands out of curiosity. You become one of them.

However, whenever I saw a good eating fish, I would think of lemon and garlic butter, with a grilled fillet of fish. The fish would detect the slightest change in my posture or movement and even before I could get my knife out,  the fish (all of them) would disappear quite rapidly.

Conclusion: Fish are not stupid. They are as analytical as any other animal. They have excellent memory and detect predatory behaviour virtually immediately.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Michael Mullen - Rapist & Killer

Michael Mullen was convicted of raping and then brutally murdering his niece aged 2 yrs and 6 mths old. He had pictures on his cellphone of her naked body, from the waist down. He also had child pornography on his personal computer. Note: High, arched eyebrows. Large area between top lid and eyebrow. Left eye markedly smaller than right eye. Markedly low set ears, suggest very low intellect and possible Foetal Alcohol or Drug Syndrome. Muscles on centre top lip and centre bottom lip are tensed, in a slightly defensive, contemptuous set. Right side mouth extension presents in a sneer, with small surrounding muscles tensed. No facial muscles seem to be activated from nose upwards. A dimwitted, cruel and callous person.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kevin Adams - Predator & Serial killer

I heard a crack and she fell like a rag doll. I dragged her by the collar into a recess between two service gates. I glanced up and down. All around. So far, unseen. No time for dilly dallying. I squeezed her throat hard. I felt the smaller bones crushing. I maintained my grip for some thirty seconds. Her body went limp and I knew she was gone.

I wanted to get up and run but I couldn’t. I was engulfed in a fit like state as I experienced a massive orgasm. It hit me like a series of mule kicks. I fell back moaning, in a mixture of fear, panic and absolute sexual pleasure.

Suddenly it was over and I felt dirty. I got to my feet and looked down at my evil crotch. Ejaculate had already created a large wet patch on my trousers. I started walking, then jogging and as I exited the far end of the alley I broke into a run. The kind of run that wouldn’t attract any attention.

I ran all the way back to the Hotel. I showered and washed out my soiled clothing. My head was reeling. How could it be that I had no sexual intentions, yet  … what kind of monster was I becoming?