Missing April Jones: Live updates in search for five-year-old girl missing in Machynlleth.
MARK BRIDGER - Charged with the murder of April Jones (5 yrs old)
Facial Analysis: Left Eyebrow and eye set lower than rhs. Greater gap between lhs eye and brow, resulting in flap over left eye. Left eye is marginally unfocussed outwards. Left side underneath eye is flat. A sign of minimal muscle activity over years but may also be the result of an injury to the area. However, nostril is far less developed on left side, suggesting minimal muscle activity to left side eye-cheek area. Left side generally devoid of expression. I see depression, emotional self pity, sadness. Right side has hint of smile with sadness. Left side mouth does not extend to vertical line through eye centre. Right side mouth extends beyond centreline. Mouth set skew, anti-clockwise off horizontal, suggesting a lifetime of grimace expression being exercised. Left side of cranium is smaller than right side.
Summary: Emotionally disturbed person. Low emotional intelligence. Problematic childhood. May have been emotionally and physically abused. When eye area is isolated, I see potential menace.